Note: this is all now sold.
Just because we don't need it any more, doesn't mean you don't!
- Whitebox P3 850 Server - $1 reserve
- IBM Netfinity 3000 P3 server - $1 reserve
- Compaq Proliant ML350 G3 server - $1 reserve
- Compaq Proliant 400 - $1 reserve
- Symantec Firewall/VPN Appliance 100 - $1 reserve
- IBM X305 1U rackmount server (SCSI) - $1 reserve
- IBM X305 1U rackmount server (IDE) - $1 reserve
- Quirky IBM X306 1U rackmount server - $1 reserve
The bottom three are servers we've used internally, and I'd be sad to see go if I was that kind of nerd. Especially the quirky one. Ever seen a 6GHz processor? That server has one, if you believe the BIOS. Or a 1.4GHz processor, if you believe the summary screen. Or a 3GHz processor, if you believe what it had when we bought it.