Craig Box's journeys, stories and notes...

Hello from Cambridge

July 24th, 2007

Hello everyone from "sunny" Cambridge, England.

Leaving New Zealand was a bit of a mission - packing always seems to take longer than you think it will. Especially if you're moving house at the same time! There was a lot of "this pile for now, this pile for later", and much more humour in counting of socks than I thought possible. After taking my "this pile for now" pile and cutting it in half, I was done, and only 90 minutes after we were supposed to leave for Auckland.

I wanted to buy a camera bag at Auckland duty free - not even booze or cigarettes, mind you - but by the time I'd picked one and waited in line for 3 mins, they told me I couldn't as my plane was boarding. So, if I was late on the plane (and there may have been some running to the gate), blame Regency! (The camera bag was $24.95 in Auckland and is £24.95 in a store here, so I might just wait a while.)

Cambridge houseSam and Zoe picked us up from Heathrow, and along with my friends Tom and Brendon, I've hired a house for a week. We're settled in nicely and uploaded some pictures.

There has been some concern we might be six feet underwater; it's been overcast, but as Dave Dobbyn says, "otherwise fine". We even went to a barbeque on Saturday evening. It's definitely summer here.

I have a temporary UK cellphone number - +44 7884 498 952. Please use this instead of my NZ number until further notice. Also, if you feel like catching up via Skype, I am crb-nz, and will be online every now and then.

Brave new world

July 24th, 2007

What's news? Well, there's a lot really:

Quit my job

After four and a half fantastic years at IT Partners, I've decided it's time to move on and see the world. I couldn't have asked for a better job, especially straight out of university. I doubt you'd be able to find a better IT company to work for in Hamilton - if you see a job advertised, apply. And I hear there will be one coming up in October. Thanks to everyone I've worked with over the last five years, and see you all soon.

Left my flat

Lived at Nevada Road for 6 years; left for a year in the middle, so I'm familiar with the moving out process! If you end up visiting there in my absence, say hi to my stuff.

Moving to Canada

I've got a Letter of Introduction for a Canadian work visa, and I'll be arriving in .ca in September for excitement and adventure and really wild things. More to come. But first:

Holiday in England

My little spoon old flatmate Sammy is getting married! The wedding is in Cambridge, UK, and I'm there for a week and a half, before another three weeks traveling around - hope to see Dublin, Edinburgh, and some more of England (as well as the band James. Last time I was here it was Queen; I'm having a great run of catching reunions of otherwise defunct British bands!).

There are lots of stories from before I went that I have to write about; I'll intersperse them with tales of my trip as the time finds itself.

New camera

July 4th, 2007

You can't take a picture of your new camera, with your new camera.

Instead, you can document the first picture your new camera ever took:

First picture ever with new camera

It's the Canon S5 IS (S1, S2, S3, S5 - where'd S4 go?), and yes, 48x zoom is plenty to see the hairs on Pete's nose.

S5 IS camera

Fixing the password problem on small business networks

June 28th, 2007

I've been involved in commercially supporting Windows networks for almost 5 years now, having dealt with a hundreds of users across dozens of different companies.  Most of the clients we support are "small businesses", which makes sense, as it is quoted that as 97.3% of private enterprise in NZ is small/medium sized, accounting for 49.4% of private sector employment.

These companies, in the most part, don't have the infrastructure for a large, homogeneous IT environment.

And you know what?  They couldn't care less.

They make do with what they always have - buying PCs piecemeal, having Office 2000 on some PCs and Office 2003 on others, and - the kicker - knowing everyone else's passwords, instead of sharing data.  Even though products like Microsoft Exchange allow you to do things like delegate access to someone else's mailbox, they still claim they need to all have their passwords set to 'password', or documented in a book, in case they need to sit at someone else's PC.

People don't do what PCs suggest they should do. No one really wants the multi user functionality that PCs have now.  In small business, people want to be able to use the line-of-business application, a web browser, and access their own e-mail and files. They might like the idea of having some personalisation (some care for it, some don't), but overall, having to log out as you and log in as me takes longer than the effort required just to use the application as set up on your profile.

So, as a sysadmin, I want people to use strong passwords.  I have to wean them off the idea of needing someone else's password to get at their data.  And I want to work how they work, not how I think they want to.  They want the desktop you use when you're filling in for someone to look like it did when they were learning over the first person's shoulder.

The primary solution put forward by Microsoft is "roaming profiles", where you can log into any machine, and have your applications loaded.  Say you've got a shortcut to Word 2003 on your desktop, and you roam that profile to a machine with Word 2000 on it.  Doesn't work.  Good for volume licensed customers with the same software on all PCs, but not good for us.  Doubly bad when you look at how people actually work - the accounts clerk has MYOB and payroll software installed, some managers will have banking software for authorising transactions, sales people may have a line-of-business application that analysts don't need, etc.  It's not worth ensuring that the software is on everyone's machine, it means unnecessary licensing costs, and in the case of things like payroll software, people want to know it's not available to everyone.

So, roaming profiles are out.

When someone is away, their mail and phone are diverted, but their PC sits there unused, or someone has to sit at the desk - they try and find the icons you used to click, but their new profile doesn't have the shortcuts, or the per-user registry keys required for some random application.

Let's look at some other possible solutions:

Terminal services or Citrix MetaFrame

Put everyone on a thin client and make everyone use a central server.  Good plan, large investment required, takes a lot of time to change from an office of fat-clients to a thin-client environment, and not all SME apps are TS friendly.  Also, if you scale to needing more than one TS, then you're back at square 1 with needing the apps to be in synch across two machines.

Virtual machinery

Abstract the access away from the machine - have a bunch of passwords all able to unlock the same machine.  Wasteful.

Change someones password temporarily if you need to use their account

Tried this.  At present, there is no way for the Administrator to change someone's password, store the original hash, and set it back at a later date.  I think it's worth implementing though.

Cheat biometrics

Biometric sensors, like the fingerprint scanner on my T60 laptop, can be 'cheated': in an office of 10 people, with 10 fingerprints able to be stored, why not store everyone's fingerprint on everyone's computer?  Requires buying a scanner for everyone's PC.

Insecure machine accounts, delegated access to data

Why not have everyone have a 20 character password, but have a single password for logging into the machine in the morning?  You could have a "machine user" account on each machine, and delegate e-mail access for everyone necessary to the machine.  A bit more administrative overhead but a possible solution.

Craig's "Silver Bullet" answer

My favourite suggestion is delegating access to your profile, or your profile/PC combination.  This is what Exchange lets you do now with e-mail - why not extend this to user accounts also?  Presumably, the component (a "GINA") that that handles authentication for the fingerprint reader, could be made to start loading another account, separate from the one you entered the password for?

Therefore, we can have a 1:1 mapping of people to passwords, so no-one ever has to know anyone else's, and then we can have a 1:many between computers and users, without needing messy multiple profiles.

Anyone see any problems with this approach?  If not, why haven't you written it yet?  Look perhaps at pGina as a base. My (ex-)small businesses will pay.

Cool shit for cheap. Support a good cause!

June 25th, 2007

Note: this stuff is all sold.

Today's cool shit you can get for cheap:

  • IBM X220 4U tower server
  • IBM X232 5U tower server
  • IBM X346 2U rack server w/Windows 2000 SBS
  • IBM X300 1U rackmount server
  • IBM X225 4U rackmount server
  • Compaq Proliant ML350 G3 w/Windows 2000 SBS
  • IBM X200 4U rackmount server
  • 3Com OfficeConnect VPN Firewall
  • Cisco C1912 Catalyst 1U Rack 24x10Mbit/2x100Mbit
  • Farallon Ether10-T Starlet/16 Rackmount Hub
  • HP LaserJet 1000
  • Pleaides USB 2.0 / LAN disk enclosure

FoamyEspecially cool is the G3 server, which has its hard drives packed like this.

This should be the last run of servers we sell before I leave IT Partners. Also, be warned that the X200 is my personal machine, and the more you bid on it, the more money I can put on the bar at my leaving party!

Album distribution

June 23rd, 2007

Guess what year that acquiring music from the Internet really came into its own...

MP3 album distribution

USB devices and drive letters

June 22nd, 2007

A year ago, I ranted about the fact that Windows will map a newly added USB drive on the first available drive letter, even if there's a subst'd or mapped network drive on that letter.

Kyle pointed me to USBDLM, the USB Drive Letter Manager. This is a piece of software that, as well as working around this bug, will allow you to ensure that bad USB devices are always mapped to the same drive letter. It's free for personal or educational use, but costs for commercial use. Not that it's really a solution - Microsoft, this is a simple bug that you could fix today. It is an exercise for the reader to get Raymond Chen to tell me why it's not as simple as I think.

Mongrel upload progress problem - cause found

June 15th, 2007

Per my previous post on upload progress in Rails, I can now confirm:

The certificates must be in PEM format and must be sorted starting with the subject's certificate (actual client or server certificate), followed by intermediate CA certificates if applicable, and ending at the highest level (root) CA.

Which means, cat site.cer chain.cer Equifax_Secure_Global_eBusiness_CA-1.cer site.key > site.pem.

I've backported Pound to Ubuntu Dapper, from Debian Testing. Dapper only has 1.0, which might work, but the configuration has changed beween 1.x and 2.x, which makes the examples incorrect.

SpamAssassin 3.2.0 backport for Ubuntu Dapper

June 6th, 2007

I've built packages for SpamAssassin 3.2.0 for Ubuntu Dapper. They are available in my firewall repository with the dependencies (libnet-dns-perl, libnetaddr-ip-perl, libmail-spf-perl):

deb dapper firewall

If you use this repository, you'll get a new version of ClamAV, and some other packages also. Beware.

It was a bit of a mission to build, but made easier with the Prevu tool. This is like pbuilder for backports, and anyone doing anything with backports should use it. You can use the 0.4.1 release on Sourceforge on Dapper.

Ways to get an upload progress bar in a Ruby on Rails application

May 27th, 2007


  • The "Sean Treadway method" Requires fcgid and Apache. Pretty much superseded by...
  • Mongrel's upload progress extension. Your upload form launches an AJAX updater that says "How far thru' the file am I, foo'?" every N seconds. However, because your upstream bandwidth is hosed (especially on 128Kbps DSL), it tends to take N+15 seconds to get a response. Can be notoriously hard to make go. (Hint, try sudo gem cleanup, and not running your code as root, or not being on a VPN to the server. Any combination of these might have helped.)
    • Mongrel tends to be run behind a load balancing proxy. These sometimes buffer requests so you end up sending 100% of the file before the server knows a file is coming. A solution appears to be to run another Mongrel instance on another port to accept uploads. This is a solution that lots of people suggest but no-one actually says "I do this, here's how".
    • Apache users might need to use mod_proxy_html to rewrite your links, if your JS doesn't have URLs generated with Rails' url_to helpers. This may or may not exist for Apache 2.2.
    • I have everything working up to this point, but the progress doesn't actually display for me using Apache 2.2 as my load balancer.
  • There is a Mongrel Upload Progress with Streaming extention, based on XUpload. The author sounds like he's been working on making it use JSON rather than Javascript, but there's not been a release since. May or may not work with Safari.
  • Use lighttpd and it's upload progress engine. I presume you'd just use it to proxy Mongrel. (Not really for me, as I'm somewhat tied to Apache on my SSL port.)
  • Merb, which seems to be Ruby off Rails. Again, it is used as a secondary server that just accepts uploads, but I have no idea how you'd run a merb and hand uploads to your Rails application. Comments to this welcome.
  • Shockwave Macromedia Adobe Flash, which does all the upload progress client-side. There's a nice degrades-to-Javascript engine called SWFUpload to try here.

Confused yet?